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Trade mark registration


Websites of Trade Mark Registrars

Code Country/Organization URL
AD (Andorra) http://www.ompa.ad
AR (Argentina) http://www.mecon.gov.ar/inpi/default1.htm
AT (Austria) http://www.patent.bmwa.gv.at/
AU (Australia) http://www.ipaustralia.gov.au/
BE (Belgium) http://www.european-patent-office.org/patlib/country/belgium/
BR (Brazil) http://www.inpi.gov.br
BX (Benelux) http://www.bmb-bbm.org
CA (Canada) http://opic.gc.ca/
CH (Switzerland) http://www.ige.ch
CN (China) http://www.cpo.cn.net
CU (Cuba) http://www.ceniai.inf.cu/OCPI/
CZ (Czech Republic) http://www.upv.cz
DE (Germany) http://www.deutsches-patentamt.de
DK (Denmark) http//www.dkpto.dk/
EM (OHIM) http://oami.eu.int/
EP (European Patent Office) http://www.european-patent-office.org
ES (Spain) http://www.oepm.es
FI (Finland) http://www.prh.fi
FR (France) http://www.inpi.fr
GB (United Kingdom ) http://www.patent.gov.uk
GE (Georgia) http://www.global-erty.net/saqpatenti
GR (Greece) http://www.european-patent-office.org/patlib/country/greece/index.htm
HR (Croatia) http://pubwww.srce.hr/patent
HU (Hungary) http://www.hpo.hu
IS (Iceland) http://www.els.stjr.is/
ID (Indonesia) http://www.patent.go.id
IT (Italy) http://www.european-patent-office.org/it/
JP (Japan) http://www.jpo-miti.go.jp
KR (Republic of Korea) http://www.kipo.go.kr
LT (Lithuania) http://www.is.lt/vpb/engl
LU (Luxembourg) http://www.etat.lu/EC/
MC (Monaco) http://www.european-patent-office.org/patlib/country/monaco/
MK (Republic of Macedonia) http://www.ippo.gov.mk
MX (Mexico) http://www.impi.gob.mx
MY (Malaysia) http://kpdnhq.gov.my/
NL (Netherlands) http://www.bie.minez.nl
NZ (New Zealand) http://www.iponz.govt.nz
PE (Peru) http://www.indecopi.gob.pe/
PH (Philippines) http://www.dti.gov.ph/ipo/
PL (Poland) http://saturn.ci.uw.edu.pl/up/
PT (Portugal) http://www.inpi.pt
RO (Romania) http://www.osim.ro
RU (Russia) http://www.rupto.ru
SE (Sweden) http://www.prv.se/prveng/front.htm
SG (Singapore) http://www.gov.sg/molaw/rtmp/
SI (Slovenia) http://www.sipo.mzt.si/
SK (Slovak Republic) http://www.indprop.gov.sk
TH (Thailand) http://www.dbe.moc.go.th/DIP/eng/index.html
TR (Turkey) http://turkpatent.gov.tr
US (United States of America) http://www.uspto.gov/
WO WIPO http://www.wipo.int

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